Dr. Leavitt is a world-renowned translational neuroscientist and accomplished neurologist with extensive experience in both...
Dr. Kevin Chow has over two decades of experience leading business development and corporate strategy in both large and small biopharmaceutical companies.
Mr. Hill is Director of Business Development and Operations at Incisive Genetics Inc. He co-founded the company and co-invented the Incisive Delivery System™.
Dr. Hayden is a Killam Professor at the University of British Columbia, the highest honour UBC can confer on any faculty member. He is also an accomplished scientist and physician. He was the President of Global R&D...
Mr. Hall brings extensive experience in the technology and biotechnology sectors, with particular expertise in deal making, strategic planning and market development.
Dr. Leavitt is a world-renowned translational neuroscientist and accomplished neurologist with extensive experience in both...
Karen Boodram has over 30 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors, specializing in the commercialization of pharmaceutical products.